Prior to modern conveniences, humans and their animals worked together to protect the family and hunt for food. As humans have become more sedentary and relaxed, so have our pets. Family protection dogs need to keep active and fit, which involves exercise and strength training for both humans and their canine companions.

There are many types of dogs, and yours might be a working protection dog or a family pet. Dogs can be a variety of solutions for a family depending on their needs.

  • Your dog might be meant to protect your home as family protection dogs from unwelcome intruders.
  • The dog might be a family pet meant to help you become more active.
  • Some dogs are laborers on small family farms.

Why are Some Breeds Better for Home Security?

While some breeds like the German Shepherd, Great Dane, and Pit Bull are perfect for home security, they still need training and exercise to stay fast, strong and powerful. Personal protection dogs for sale should be fit and able to protect you. An overweight, out-of-shape dog won’t be able to protect a family from a home invasion or a burglary.

Along with its ability to protect you, keeping your dog in the best condition possible means that there will be less stress on their body and heart as they age. Consistent exercise will keep the dog’s body at a low-fat content. Inflammation of a dog’s joints over time can be directly related to the fat on its body. Personal protection dogs for sale should be healthy and fit, which you can check when you see them in person.

Strength Training is Important
Like their humans, personal protection dogs can benefit from strength training, which produces musculature and skeletal systems that are able to prevent injury. When dogs are involved in strenuous activity, there’s a high chance that they can get injured if they’re not in peak physical condition.

When protection dogs are involved in strength training and exercise, they consistently burn calories over time because of their increased metabolic rate. In an overweight dog, means they’ll lose weight, but a healthy protection dog will be able to reduce the risk of weight gain as they get older.

Dogs who are fit and strong are more able to perform their duties whether that’s protecting your home, performing in events, or working around the farm. They’re quicker, stronger, and more athletic when they have built up muscle through strength training.

What Does it Involve?
Many personal protection dogs might be involved in exercise on a daily basis. Twenty minutes of running and chasing a ball are not enough exercise for most dogs. That’s especially true for those who are in a position that is demanding protection or a working dog.

Strength training will produce more muscle mass, which increases strength and endurance as it would for a human. Your dog should start slowly with exercises that utilize the dog’s body weight. While your dog can’t do bench presses or squats, there are canine equivalents that will work the protection dog’s muscles efficiently.

How Should You Begin Training Your Dog?
A human strength training regimen would include a gym membership or a set of weights, but your protection dog’s training doesn’t involve expensive equipment. You might need a few accessories as your dog becomes stronger to make it more challenging though.

Sprinting and Jogging
While twenty minutes chasing a ball isn’t enough for your dog, sprinting is great for you and your pup. This will involve you, so you need to be in good physical condition to sprint with your dog. You’ll need to lead the pack, so your dog doesn’t think it’s playtime at the park. Take your protection dog jogging with you and pepper the jog with quick sprints before falling back to a normal jogging speed. This type of exercise will improve overall conditioning for both of you.

Hills for Your Routine
Using the hills in your neighborhood, you can condition your protection dog using its own body weight and gravity. It’s much harder to walk and run up a hill than it is on flat ground. Use the hills as well as running and jogging as part of a daily routine for you both with other exercises peppered into the routine to keep it fresh.

Your Dog and Squats
While your protection dog isn’t going to be able to do a squat as you would, he can perform exercises that give him the same leg strengthening. When your dog leaps in the air, she will squat down before springing up into the air. Over time and with repetition, it’ll benefit her leg muscles immensely. Use a treat and hold it over the dog’s head. Don’t reward the dog with a treat after every jump. After 3 to 5 jumps, give the dog a healthy, tasty treat that won’t ruin all the good work.

A Vest of Weights
Any routine will become more challenging when a weighted vest is added to the equation. It’s not recommended that you add this to your protection dog until after he or she has become immersed in a regular exercise routine for a few weeks or months. It’ll be up to you to decide when your canine companion is ready for the weighted vest. Even walking or chasing the ball for twenty minutes becomes more vigorous with the vest.

When you have a dog for protection, you want to ensure that you’re keeping that dog in top physical condition. An overweight, out-of-shape canine isn’t going to protect you or your family from harm even if family protection dogs. While the dog might be fiercely protective and willing to chase down someone who is meaning you harm, the dog’s body won’t be able to sustain a lengthy chase or a fight.

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