Prevention is the first step to a long life. It is no different with our pets, particularly personal protection dogs. As working animals, these dogs require the extra care and attention needed to keep them in optimal health. After all, their job is to provide the same extra care and attention to humans.

Key steps

Just spending a bit more time trying to understand the potential causes of your personal protection dog’s, or any pet’s issues can save time and money at the veterinarian’s office.

Your pet will thank you, too. After all, who could be better than you to provide the care that your protection dog needs as least invasively as possible?

While there are procedures, treatment options, and medications for all animals, the last thing you want to do, as a pet owner, fails to prevent illnesses to the point of having to give the last word to your veterinarian. Help your vet by taking key steps first.

Help out your vet with these easy steps:

Follow a very basic protocol to administer to your animal, and see for yourself how you can take great strides in bettering the health of your pet, as a first resource.

Check what your pet is really eating

Nutrition is the key to great health. This involves animals, too. Still, people do not always take the time to look at food labels for pet food the way they do for human food.
Even when we see all sorts of new pet foods and food to protect dogs for sale, the necessity to feed the animal often supersedes learning exactly what the nutrients are.
Observe the effects of the food on your pet
For years, pet owners have complained about pet issues such as bad digestion, diarrhea, hairballs (in cats), and even questionable chewing and eating habits.

These complaints reinforce the need to check for food labels to see what your pet is actually eating. A lack of nutrient content can lead to animals craving and eating, potentially dangerous substances.

Have you ever seen those TV shows where people crave to eat mud, ice, or other strange things? It is due to a crass lack of nutrients in their bodies that leads them to act erratically.

Animals are no different, especially personal protection dogs, whose diets need to be watched carefully.

Whatever your pets lack in their diets, they will compensate with something that they feel will be an approximation to it; this can be dangerous, as they do not possess the judgment to pass on poisonous plants or objects that may obstruct their stomachs.

Watch for signs of potential nervous damage/issues

Do not be too quick to brush off your pet’s penchant for crying, shaking, or acting strangely during storms, or under any other condition.

These could be signs of real anxiety, which could potentially affect your pet’s other body functions. Anxiety has the potential to even put your pet in danger of making a sudden movement that could strain a muscle, or break a bone.

Like humans, animals have a susceptibility to changes, noises, loud voices, and even music and basic sounds.

Unlike humans, however, they cannot reach the nearest shot of alcohol, medication, or comfort food to soothe them whenever one of these noises scares them or make them feel unsafe. You are the soother, as the pet owner.

Therefore, keeping track of your pet’s reactions to noises, certain people, atmospheric conditions and other variables is not an eccentric thing to do: it is a necessary thing to do to keep your pet in optimal health.

Keep track of your pet’s activity level

Lack of physical activity can cause an onset of depression in animals. In fact, it is known that exercise eases their levels of anxiety and makes them happier.

Moreover, weight gain, diabetes, and other conditions can manifest in animals the way they do in humans when a sedentary lifestyle prevents the body from doing what it is meant to do: walk, run, leap, jump…move!

Be honest to yourself, as a pet owner, and own up to the real amount of time your pet spends interacting with you, with other pets, or with any kind of enrichment activity that piques curiosity and interest.

Keep track of your protection dog’s activity level, as well. A sudden decrease in activity may be a sign of something that is bothering your pet.
What your vet does not know

No veterinarian will know the exact cause root of any illness in pets unless they get the information contained in the previously suggested protocol.

Having this information helps a veterinarian make quicker and more accurate assessments of what could be wrong with your pet when the vet’s office is the last resort.

Your vet does not know:

Your pet’s typical personality
Your pet’s true activity level
The propensity for anxiety, hyperactivity, or depression (unless the pet shows that off at the office
Quirks and unique behavior

Your vet could find all of this out with blood tests, and all kinds of invasive techniques. Why get to that point, when you can prevent typical nuisances right at home and keep your pets healthy until something is really wrong.

Even in the event of a real illness, knowing what your pet really needs can make a huge difference in the course of any treatment plan.

What does this mean for your personal protection dogs for sale?

If you own or are looking for, personal protection dogs for sale, this health protocol will be the best way to help your dog work smoothly.

No dog in service will ever enjoy working under a poor nutrition and exercise plan. Moreover, veterinary bills will run extremely high with these protection dogs, as they will need to be put on a protocol for health and fitness if you, as an owner, have failed to do it.

Avoid all of this by keeping your pets up to date with optimal nutrition, exercise, and interaction, and keeping all shots up to date. These are the easiest and most productive methods to keep your pet happy.

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