20 Top Secret Natural Remedies For Your Dog

Secret Natural Remedies treatments are that the general potency ranges are 6C, 12C, 30C, or 200C. Generally, give your protection dog whatever potency you happen to have on hand, but, if in doubt, 30c is a standard dosage. Larger potencies are reserved for when a stronger-acting treatment is needed. The dog should be monitored closely after this first treatment to see how it affects him and whether or not repeated treatment is required.

Especially with an acute condition, the dog should respond relatively quickly to the remedy. If there is no change, or if the condition is severe or an emergency, the dose can be repeated two to three times with five to 15-minute intervals between dosages.

Once improvement has been observed, stop treatment and continue to watch your pet for further improvement. In some cases, the dog may get better only to worsen as time goes on. If this is the case, repeat the dosage again. Again, wait at least five minutes between doses, though you may want to wait longer to allow the Natural Remedies treatment to take effect. It depends on the treatment and the protection dog’s specific reaction. Use your best judgment.

Today’s 20 Best Natural Remedies & Homeopathic Treatments: 


Bleeding Nails –

Trimming your dog’s nails can be a tricky business and they need it often, particularly when you first bring them home. The next time you’re looking for personal protection dogs for sale, pay attention to their paws. Their nails will likely need a trim. Unfortunately, if you cut them too short, you can damage the nerves and cause bleeding. Hypericum is a great Natural Remedies for this type of nerve damage.

My Dog has a Broken Nail - Pinnacle Protection Dog

Vomiting –

Often, even well-trained protection dogs will get into mischief. If they get into the garbage and eat something unhealthy, this can produce vomiting and diarrhea. Nux vomica is perfect for treating this kind of nausea. It can be used following surgery as well.

Ticks –

Tick bites can pose a serious threat to your dog, leading to any number of illnesses. By administering Ledum palustre (Ledum) two times daily for the two days following the bite, you can prevent your protection dog from contracting tick bite-related illnesses.

Physical Injuries –

Treating bumps and bruises is easy and efficient with a dose of Arnica. Once given, this homeopathic remedy reduces inflammation and promotes faster healing.

Rid Your Dog of Foreign Contaminants –

Whether he steps on a thorn or gets foxtail in his ear, your dog may need to have a foreign body expelled from his body. Silica (a.k.a. Silicea) is ideal for this and is even helpful in cleaning out anal glands.

Draining Abscesses –

An abscess can be bothersome, develop a strong odor, and may even cause a greater infection if justify untreated. Hepar sulphuris will remedy this condition and promote the healthy draining of pus from the wound.

Heal Open Wounds –

Outdoor dogs, such as personal protection dogs for sale, often injure themselves during play. Cuts and scrapes heal quicker with a dose of Calendula.

Another Remedy for Vomiting and Diarrhea –

Arsenicum album can be used to settle your dog’s stomach.

Fever and Inflammation –

If your protection dog has a fever and unexplained redness around the ears and in the skin, give him a dose of Belladonna.

Treat an Emergency Case of Bloat –

This can be a life-threatening condition for your dog, requiring a visit to an emergency veterinary clinic. On the way, treat him with Carbo vegetabilis to alleviate the condition.

Help Alleviate the Pain of Broken Bones –

There’s no way around going to the vet for this one, but you can reduce pain for your pet with Symphytum. This remedy also promotes faster healing.

Irritated Eyes –

Red or watery eyes can be alleviated with a dose of Euphrasia.

Treat Skin Burns and UTF –

Urinary tract infections pose problems for dogs as they do with people, but the urgency to urinate and burning in the bladder can be alleviated with Cantharis. Natural Remedies treatment also soothes blistered burns on the skin.

Cure Frostbite –

Agaricus relieves the symptoms of frostbite, especially in the extremities.

Trauma –

If your dog is hit by a car, he will likely go into shock. Aconite is ideal for treating this condition. Also helpful to have on hand is Carbo vegetabilis, often called the corpse reviver. Administer this, if your pet becomes cold and lifeless.

TBI and Spinal Injuries –

Depending on how active your protection dog is and where he spends his time, he may experience a traumatic brain injury or spinal injury. Natrum sulphuricum (Nat sulph) can alleviate the pain associated with these conditions.

Joint Stiffness –

Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus tox) comes in handy after an especially active day that has justified your dog lack of energy. Ruta graveolens (Ruta Grav) is another choice for treating muscle aches. Ideally, start by administering a dose of Arnica, following that up with one of these two Natural Remedies.

Burns –

Minor burns, such as sunburn, can be treated with Urtica urens. Cantharis should be used instead, where the burn has broken the skin.

Natural Remedies for Teething Discomfort –

This is the most difficult phase in raising a new puppy. Teething can cause mouth pain and produce greenish diarrhea. Chamomilla can alleviate these symptoms.

Treat Bites and Stings –

Insects pose a severe threat to protection dogs, even when the pet spends most of its time indoors. An insect bite or sting can be treated with Ledum (Ledum palustre), which promotes faster healing and works to prevent tetanus from setting in.

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