When looking for personal protection dogs for sale, you need to be well-versed in common canine medical problems, such as allergies. Digestive issues, itchy skin, and other allergies can keep personal protection dogs from feeling and performing at their best.

The Dangers of Standard Treatments

Pharmaceutical treatments are designed to suppress your dog’s immune system function. Although anti-allergy medicines can temporarily alleviate your dog’s allergy symptoms, they can also increase the likelihood of your dog developing cancer and other serious illnesses.

Many traditional veterinarians suggest hypoallergenic prescription dog foods as an allergy treatment. These expensive brands often have dangerous ingredients like monosodium glutamate or MSG, that may cause a worsening of symptoms or even brain damage. Hypoallergenic dog foods also contain a lot of starch, low-quality oils, and fillers. However, natural allergy treatments are much safer for the perfect pooch you found when searching for personal protection dogs for sale.

10 Natural Allergy Solutions for Dogs

Colostrum Supplements
Colostrum is essential in building and strengthening the immune system of newborns. The proline-rich polypeptide, or PRP, is an ingredient found in bovine colostrum. PRP prevents the overproduction of T-cells and white blood cells, reduces histamines and it acts as an anti-inflammatory while simultaneously building up antibodies against allergens.

Colostrum is available in capsules and powder. It is best to give a dose when your dog’s stomach is empty; however, it can be taken with broth or yogurt. For the powder form, give your dog one-third of a teaspoon per 25 pounds twice each day. For capsules, give small dogs one capsule twice every day and larger dogs two capsules twice every day. The daily dosage should continue for one month. Then, you can give your dog colostrum as needed.
Quercetin Flavonoid
Quercetin is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antihistamine properties that work together to control itching and inflammation and shut off the production of histamines. Apples, broccoli, and green tea all contain quercetin, all of which are safe for dogs. However, a quercetin supplement is better for allergy treatment.

Quercetin comes in capsules and pills, many of which also contain an enzyme called bromelain that enhances the effectiveness of quercetin. Like colostrum supplements, quercetin should be given when the stomach is empty. Experts recommend 8 milligrams per pound each day.
Sprouted Seeds
Sprouted seeds have many of the same probiotic benefits as grass, which many dogs instinctively eat. Many nutritional elements your dog needs for a healthy digestive system can be found in sprouted seeds: enzymes, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, and vitamins. Compared to non-sprouted seeds, sprouted seeds have a higher nutritional value and better absorption capability.

Sprouted seed toppers are available in the health food section at most grocery stores. Sprinkle a small number of toppers on your dog’s food. Over time, increase the amount to 1 tablespoon each day per 10 pounds of his body weight.
Nettles are highly recommended by herbalists for allergies in canines because they not only contain quercetin but also stimulate the body’s self-protection against allergens. If you are fortunate enough to have nettles on your property, you can pick them yourself. You have the option of drying the herbs, making them into a tea, or sautéing them with coconut oil. For itchy skin and eyes, cooled nettle leaves provide relief. You may also give your pup two drops of nettle tincture for 10 pounds every day.
Licorice Root
For several thousand years, licorice root has been used to treat allergies by the Chinese. Licorice boasts multiple benefits such as suppressing coughs, detoxifying boils, soothing spasms, and moistening the lungs. In regards to allergies, licorice can reduce upper digestive inflammation and respiratory tract mucus.

To relieve your dog’s allergy symptoms, give him at least 12 drops of licorice extract with a low alcohol content per 20 pounds of your dog’s weight. However, it is safe to administer up to 20 drops. You can give him this treatment two times each day. Licorice root tea is another option for treating canine allergies. If you opt to give him the tea, triple the above dosage.
Green Tea
Green tea contains polyphenols, which have antihistamines and anti-inflammatory properties. To relieve your dog’s itchy skin. After strongly brewing the tea, allow it to cool before applying the tea to your dog’s problem areas. Leave the tea on the skin for up to 10 minutes. Any unused tea can be refrigerated for later use. Alternatively, you can dampen green tea bags and apply them to red areas or hives.
Aloe Vera
Aloe plants are excellent for treating skin allergies. The enzymes within the leaves’ gel help calm itchy and inflamed skin. You can either grow your own plant or purchase leaves from the store. Keep in mind that bottled gel does not include these enzymes. To treat your dog’s skin, cut open a leaf and apply the gel to the affected areas.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is another effective remedy for skin allergies in personal protection dogs. You can utilize baking soda by either making it into a paste or spraying it. For the paste, simply mix the baking soda with water until the consistency is thick. To make a spray, combine 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water, and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Leave the paste on your dog’s skin for a few hours before you rinse it off. The spray version can be justify on and used as necessary.
Witch Hazel
The high tannins content in witch hazel helps alleviate broken, swollen skin. Apply organic witch hazel to a cotton ball, and wipe the cotton ball on itchy areas and rashes several times per day. Witch hazel can safely be used for itchy paws and ears.
Cabbage Leaves
Cabbage leaves are a tried-and-true treatment. Break a cabbage leaf’s surface until you see the juice run. Then, place the leaf on your dog’s inflamed skin for several minutes. As the inflammation is drawn out, you will notice that the leaf becoming warm.

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