Domestic dogs often love to be around familiar people. They trust their caretakers, frequently love to run and play, enjoy mealtimes, and sleep as their bodies require. If you’ve recently found personal protection dogs for sale and purchased one, you know these dogs are also trained to do an important job as well as being pets for their owners. Despite these many dog-focused activities, personal protection dogs may have stretches of time where they do not have anything to do.

Recreational bones can be a time-killer for personal protection dogs. Not only do these bones provide a way to have some fun, but the right recreational bones can provide many other benefits to your protection dog.

* Bones boost dental health. By chewing on bones, protection dogs can eliminate plaque and tartar, improve the health of their gums, reduce foul breath odors, whiten teeth, and lower the risk for dental diseases.

* Bones help keep dogs mentally alert. Flat bones that are challenging to chew and manipulate can be a great problem for protection dogs to puzzle through and solve.

* Bones provide extra calcium and nutrients. Both bones and marrow provide chondroitins and glucosamine, which help develop strong joints and bones. Be sure to balance the calcium in bones with phosphorus found in meat.

* Bones satisfy the chewing desire of most dogs. Dogs love to chew, and if they don’t have a recreational bone every once in a while, they will find things like table legs, boots, or other belongings to chew on instead.

Choosing The Right Bone

The largest of dog breeds may enjoy the recreational bones of beef cattle including neck, feet, and pelvis bones. Moose’s bones are desirable for aggressive dogs that love to chew. The biting strength of a dog can be hundreds of pounds per square inch, giving your protection dogs the ability to tear leftover meat off these large bones as well as crush and consume part of the bone itself.

Many protection dogs enjoy chewing on flat bones that are found in the ribs, shoulders, and pelvis of larger animals. These bones are easier to chew, have unusual shapes, and feature many cracks and crevices that contain hidden bits of fat and meat.

Bones from pigs, lamb, deer, and goats may also serve as recreational bones for large protection dogs.

Some Cautionary Warnings

Although recreational bones are great to keep your protection dog busy and entertained, there are some things to consider to keep your dog safe.

* Bones are a supplement, not a primary source of nutrition. Just like people, dogs need a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of ingredients to keep the dog healthy and strong. Bones can serve as a part of that diet, but should not make up a majority of it.

* Cooked bones are dangerous. Protection dogs much prefer raw bones and overcooked ones for a reason. The cooking process releases the fat, which is a major appeal for dogs eating the bones in the first place. In addition, heat can cause bones to break more easily and sharp splinters can hurt your protection dog.

* Long bones may block a dog’s digestive system. Long bones are typically those that bear the animal’s weight like leg bones. These bones have a solid structure, lots of marrow, and cartilage-heavy ends. If your protection dog eats a large chunk of the cartilage section, they can develop bowel compacted blockages. Symptoms may include a strained posture, bloating, and inability to vomit or defecate.

* Tough long bones can break a dog’s teeth. The weight-bearing long bones are very hard, and in some cases, can cause damage or breakage to an aggressive dog’s teeth. You may want to select flatter bones, which are not as hard for dogs to chew and eat.

* Bone marrow may cause diarrhea. Protection dogs who are newly introduced to bones or eat too many bones in one sitting may consume an overabundance of marrow, which can cause loose stools or diarrhea symptoms in some dogs.

* Too many bones may cause constipation. If protection dogs get a hold of too many bones at one time, they can pass light-colored feces that might be powdery in nature. This is a symptom of constipation.

* Older, poorly fed animals can carry toxins in their bones. Given all the environmental problems in our world today, the older the animal, the higher the risk that they will have absorbed more dangerous substances into their bodies and bones. Selecting the right bones from younger, well-fed animals is the safest option for your protection dog.

By selecting and providing the right recreational bones for your protection dog, you can provide the extra nutrition, a loved method of recreation, and a wonderful way for your dog to exercise its jaws and muscles. Recreational bones can also satisfy a protection dog’s desire to chew, giving it something tastier and less damaging than your furniture, shoes, or household items.

If you are seeking a personal protection dog, contact our organization. We have a wide variety of personal protection dogs for sale and can help you find the one that will best meet your particular needs.

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