The Fila Brasileiro has a long history as one of the world’s fiercest guard dogs. Although the Fila Brasileiro’s origins are somewhat uncertain. Brazilian plantation owners originally trained this massive Brazilian guard dog to hunt down stray cattle and jaguars. The name “Fila” is, in fact, derived from the Portuguese word “filar,” which literally means to grab, arrest, and hold. This ancient tendency to attack and restrain prey is still prevalent in the modern Fila Brasileiro and is one of the primary traits. That makes this breed ideal for anyone in search of an extremely defensive guard dog.
Known for its ferocity towards strangers. The Fila Brasileiro is equally revered for its extreme loyalty towards its own family. Indeed, the allegiance and devotion shown by this guard dog towards its “pack” inspired the old Brazilian proverb, “Faithful as a Fila dog.” In general, Fila’s temperament is calm and tranquil when with its owner and family. While one could mistake the massive bulk and melancholy expression of this dog as indicative of sluggishness. The Fila actually exhibits fantastic agility and remarkable speed when provoked. One of the typical characteristics of the Fila is their powerful and smooth “cat-like” movement displayed in the dog’s low and lengthy stride. The Fila possesses a distinctive pace known as a camel’s gate in which the dog moves two legs on one side simultaneously before shifting its movement to the other side. This unique rolling stride makes the Fila a surprisingly fast animal that can shift direction rapidly in order to pursue its prey. Brazilian farmers traditionally utilized the Fila Brasileiro’s ability to run at speeds of up to 35 miles an hour to hunt runaway pigs and patrol large farms quickly. The huge frame and massive bulk of muscle possessed by the Fila Brasileiro combined with this guard dog’s speed and loyalty make this breed an excellent guardian by instinct.

Faithful as Fila, Brave as a Bloodhound

In appearance, the Fila Brasileiro resembles the guard dogs they breed emerged from. Traits from each of the three breeds (Bloodhounds, Ancient Bulldogs, and 15th century English Mastiff) the Fila descend from the combine to create the ultimate protector. The Fila Brasileiro’s lineage from Bloodhounds is evident in its large and sturdy head, short neck, and the coloring of its smooth, short coat. The Fila shares the iconic black mask, loose jowls, and skin, and drooping lips that constitute the well-loved “hangdog” expression typical of the Bloodhound. In temperament, the Fila Brasileiro possesses the resolute determination and courage that give the Bloodhound its reputation as a relentless pursuer. Sometimes referred to as “the Brazilian Mastiff,” the Fila likewise share the traditional Old English Mastiff’s tendency towards persistence. This combination of the Bloodhound’s courage and the Old English Mastiff’s determination makes the Fila Brasileiro a relentless hunter and guard dog. The Fila’s loyal nature stems from its Ancient Bulldog bloodlines.
The Fila Brasileiro demonstrates many of the traits desired in guard dogs—but does the combination of Bloodhound, Bulldog, and Mastiff combine to create a breed superior to other personal protection dogs for sale? To find this out, the Brazilian army conducted a five-year study to measure this breed against Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds. After enduring extremely hostile conditions in the jungle, the guard dogs underwent observation to measure traits like intelligence, strength, temperament, energy, and aggressiveness. Doberman Pinschers exhibited high levels of aggression, while German Shepherds were noted for their intelligence. However, the Fila Brasileiro excelled in all other categories, as determined by the Brazilian Army.


The Fila Brasileiro’s ferocity, loyalty, speed, and bulk combine to make this breed one of the most ideal personal guards dogs for sale today. Perhaps one of the most attractive traits of this dog breed is its calm exterior and ability to swiftly transition from a loving and loyal family dog to a strong and intense protector. For those looking for a guard dog to protect the family. The Fila Brasileiro can be a good choice because of its extreme tolerance towards children and its generally docile, tranquil demeanor. Those lucky enough to be in the protection of this massive dog will find themselves a loyal companion for life. While the Fila is revered for its ability to protect and serve its master. It is loved for its companionability and desire to be near its own pack. Known to Brazilians over 400 years ago as a hunter of jaguar and a protector of farms. This steadfast breed has remained an option for those looking to purchase a brave and loyal companion and protector!

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