Helping Your Protection Dog Live Longer.

Unfortunately, we currently see a number of protection dogs, as well as pet dogs aging much faster than they normally should. In times past a 6-year-old protection dog live longer was still relatively close to its prime. Now, many protection dogs and family pets are slowing down and showing significant signs of aging during these years. What has changed? for one, what use to be deemed an overweight protection dog is now considered normal.

Protection Dog

Foster humane pet care practices by avoiding overfeeding, prioritizing regular exercise over sedentary habits, and refraining from unnecessary medication, preventing premature aging in your beloved companions. While family protection dogs have a serious role to play as companions to children, along with the safety of the household, they are not immune to lifestyle habits that have not only been detrimental to pets but also to humans! Not all that contributes to the premature aging of protection dogs is due to overfeeding, lack of exercise, etc. Many of the contributing factors are environmental. In this blog, we are going to discuss how you can make invaluable lifestyle changes so that you can provide your family protection dog with the best quality of life possible.


 Longevity is heavily influenced by the number of toxins in your protection dog’s body and how these toxins get processed. From flee meds to shampoos, always be aware of what toxins could be in this product that can be harmful to your protection dog. Be sure to stay on the all-natural path as much as possible. Bathing your protection dog with nonchemical shampoo as well as flee meds can go a long way in keeping them young ad healthy.


 This is probably the biggest influence on the premature aging of your protection dog live longer. Avoid feeding your dog treats or commercial feed that contain ingredients such as wheat, soy, corn, sugar beets, by-products, and generic animal fats such as poultry fat.

Enzymes and probiotics-

 Enzymes and probiotics should always be added to your protection dogs food. If your protection dog is being fed a dry or commercial kibble adding enzymes is essential! Enzymes are not found in your protection dogs’ dry feed because the cooking process destroys them. Protection dogs were designed to eat raw foods which are loaded with natural enzymes. While raw feeding is the best route to go, those feeding their protection dogs dry kibble can benefit greatly by adding probiotics. Your protection dog having balanced gut bacteria will lead to healthy digestion and a stronger immune system.

Avoid giving your protection dog antibiotics-

Every year millions of dogs are given antibiotics. In some cases, this can’t be avoided while in many, protection dog owners have better options. Antibiotics are extremely harsh on a protection dog’s gut health. Antibiotics are a powerful drug that certainly has a place in veterinary medicine. However, they should be given to protection dogs only when absolutely necessary. The overuse of antibiotics in protection dogs can lead to autoimmune diseases, chronic ear infections, and cancer.

Filter your protection dog’s water-

 Tap water and many bottled glasses of water are full of contaminants that can have a harmful effect on your protection dog. These contaminants can affect the protection of dogs’ skin, coats, and overall health. A quality filter can help ensure your protection dog is getting clean contaminant-free drinking water.

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