Trained to protect. Raised to love.

Preparing your home for your new family protection dog.

Your new Pinnacle Protection Dog will be a loving and loyal member of your family, ready to protect you from any harm. Once you have chosen the perfect family protection dog, our professional trainers will transport the dog to you. Our comprehensive home delivery and training procedures will smoothly transition the dog into your home and make sure every member of your family can confidently command your new protector. During this process, we will walk you through everything you need to know to command and care for your highly trained protection dog. By the time our team leaves, your Pinnacle Dog will be an integrated member of your family, ready to defend.

Phase 1: Introductions

In order to provide superior protection, a dog needs to know who the members of its new family are. In a relaxed setting, we will introduce your new executive protection dog to each member of your household. These one-on-one introductions will ensure both animals and humans have ample opportunity to become comfortable with one another.

Phase 2: Commands

Once the family has been properly introduced, each member will practice giving commands to the dog. We will instruct everyone on what command words trigger which actions. It is important that every family member understands the dog’s training and is comfortable and confident with the commands. We will work on every step of the process as long as it takes for everyone to be comfortable.

Phase 3: In the Home

The next step is to introduce your dog to its new home. This will allow the dog to see every room and become familiar with the place it will be protecting. You will also select the location for your dog’s bed. We will make sure the dog is comfortable with its new surroundings and knows its place in your home. We will also provide instruction on proper nutrition and care for your dog.

Phase 4: Travel and Public Places

Your executive protection dog is trained to protect wherever you or your family goes. In this next step, we ride along while you go through your usual errands with your new protector. This will allow you to practice with your dog in public places including shopping centers, parks, and city streets. You will have the opportunity to gain experience handling your dog in busy areas with lots of people, ensuring that you are comfortable taking your dog anywhere.

Phase 5: Final Training

We will complete the transition by performing bite work exercises. Our trainers will stand in as attackers while you get real practice commanding your dog in protection scenarios. Through these exercises, you will learn to confidently command your protection dog in dangerous situations. We will also set up a household safety plan.

Pinnacle’s commitment to customer services doesn’t end when our trainers leave. You will be able to call us directly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any questions.

Do you already have pet dogs in your home?

We are often asked if pet dogs will get along with family protection dogs. The answer is yes, but your pet may need some training. It is important that all dogs in your home have basic obedience training to ensure good behavior and to make sure they all get along.

We offer base-level obedience training for your family pet. This training will take place before your protection dog arrives and will last several weeks. We will teach your pet dog the basic commands including sit, heel, come, lie down, and proper leash behavior. Your pet will be trained to remain obedient to other dogs and cats. Our trainers will bring home your pet dog on the same day they deliver your new protection dog. This will allow both dogs to adjust to living together in your home and prevent any issues.

Have questions? Call us today at 702-540-0321.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer all your questions

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