Best Foods for Preventing Cancer in Dogs

A lot of people are mindful of what they eat and what they do on a daily basis to avoid cancer and other health conditions. But just as much as you’re conscious and worried about this chronic illness, you should also do as much as you can to make sure your protection dog doesn’t get it. Fortunately, as much as cancer is preventable in humans through simple yet powerful lifestyle adjustments as indicated by the reports released by the National Cancer Institute, you can prevent cancer from befalling sweet Fido or Belle or whatever your pup’s name is.

A healthy, well-balanced diet should be the first and foremost change to make towards the prevention of cancer and other diseases for protection dogs. While avoiding the chemicals found in some dog and human food is good practice and one that can prolong your protection dog’s life, it’s simply not enough. Proper nutrition can give your pup the right tools to expel harmful bodily toxins as well as to destroy any newly created carcinogenic cells.

As you peruse this article, your protection dog’s body is in an ongoing war with free radicals. Their immune system is hunting and destroying cancer cells. Arm them with enough antioxidants and proteins to combat these destructive forces and repair the damages left by these cells.

Leveraging the Power of Veggies

Chlorophyll, abundant in green, leafy veggies, can combat cancer in personal protection dogs. Research from Oregon State University reveals its ability to block the absorption of potent carcinogens, commonly present in store-brand kibbles, particularly those containing corn. Opting for chlorophyll-rich vegetables can contribute to the overall well-being of protection dogs and mitigate cancer risks associated with certain commercial dog foods. Incorporating green, leafy veggies and other foods that contain chlorophyll into your dog’s diet can help block these toxins from reaching their bloodstream.

Another common carcinogenic component found in many dog food brands and used as a preservative is Ethoxyquin. When it got out to the public that the toxin was increasing the chances of developing cancer in dogs. The pet owner community was outraged, sparking a number of noteworthy changes in the manufacturing and development of dog food formulas. And while most dog food brands have effectively slashed off Ethoxyquin from their products almost 20 years ago. The harmful toxin still exists in some dog foods today that contain fish. While in the oceans, boat crews are allowed to add the preservative to fish and fishmeal that will supposedly be turned into dog food. To make matters worse, this practice does not have to be divulged to the public hence most product labels will not specify it.

Food-Slash-Medicine For Cancer Prevention

Extensive research validates the fact that a well-balanced diet with phytochemicals can support healthy, normal cells. Phytochemicals are naturally-occurring compounds found in many vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. The compound helps combat cancer and other diseases and has actually been utilized for its medicinal properties for centuries now.

Phytonutrients found in large quantities in dark, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, often stay in the bloodstream far longer than most supplements do. opt for fruits, vegetables, and other superfoods grown without pesticides and hormones for maximum nutritional benefits. These options boast higher mineral and enzyme density. Furthermore, they are easy to prepare and offer flexibility in serving methods for personal protection dogs for sale. You can leave them raw, steamed, sliced and diced, and mixed with your pup’s main diet.

The Magic of Vitamin D3

It wasn’t until recently that researchers learned of how important vitamin D3 is for the immune system and, more notably. Its role in preventing cancer. Vitamin D3 or lack thereof is thought to cause SAD, short for Seasonal Affective Disorder, in people. Now, studies also show that insufficiency in vitamin D3 can also affect dogs. Although there isn’t conclusive evidence proving that this hormone is causing behavioral changes in dogs, it is currently under consideration.

A hot new compound that’s gaining a lot of attention is Tocotrienols. The compound is a less popular form of vitamin E. Tocotrienols have potent antioxidant and anticancer properties. In fact, according to a 2008 study by the British Journal of Cancer. The compound was able to destroy abnormal cells as well as block the absorption of toxins in the body.

Phytochemical-Rich Foods

Kale and broccoli are at the top of the list of foods rich in phytochemicals. Kale is high in carotenoids, which locate and destroy carcinogenic cells. Broccoli also shares the same cancer-fighting properties, plus the ability to raise production levels of cancer-fighting enzymes.

Vitamin D3-Rich Foods

A vital component for a strong immune system that can combat cancerous cells from growing and spreading is vitamin D3. Personal protection dogs can get their daily fix of vitamin D3 in seafood including salmon, sardines, shrimp, and cod. Eggs are also a good source of vitamin D3 and protein. When acquiring seafood, particularly salmon, ensure you opt for wild-caught varieties rather than those raised in captivity. Farmed salmon tends to be high in harmful toxins including mercury.

Tocotrienol-Rich Foods

Palm fruit oil is one of the leading foods for the prevention of cancer and heart conditions. They also offer other health benefits, such as improving and helping healthy blood sugar levels, boosting the immune system, and helping better absorb vitamins and minerals.

The Bottom-line

When it comes to food for personal protection dogs for sale, there simply is no wiggle room for nutrition. Remember, cancer in protection dogs build up over time due to lack of proper nutrition, predisposition of the breed, and other key factors. While you can’t control some of the factors that cause cancer, one area that you have absolute control over is what your dog eats. It’s not too late to curb your protection dog’s unhealthy diet and switch to a more sustainable and healthier diet.

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